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We did a survey for our market research.. here are the results

Writer's picture: Anna MartinAnna Martin

💜 Here are our results... & how they can help you💜

First up, a caveat to this information... this was answered by around 60 instructors and all of them from our contacts so obv (just like with all surveys and market research there will be a little bit of skewed data). But here is some shinfo for you... 1 - 74% of the people who responded teach community fitness classes 2 - 86% of the people who responded teach dance fitness 3 - 46.5% teach a mixture of freestyle and branded fitness concepts 4 - 56% work in fitness part-time We asked.... is your income the same/higher/lower than pre-March 2020? The answer? Split - almost exactly. 30% of people are earning more than March 2020 30% of people are earning the same 30% of people are earning less than March 2020 The issues are our instructors are facing... class numbers, time for prep and marketing for the most part. So from this what do we know? You are not the only one. Whatever position you find yourself in, you are not alone and there are plenty of other instructors going through the same thing. But there are also other instructors who have found their way out. And THAT is where the hope lies. When EVERYONE is in exactly the same situation it can be hard to find your route forward, but when other folk have done it, therein lies the hope. So, what can you do now? Take a chunk of time with a notebook and write down what barriers you/your clients might be facing and how you can help with those. And I mean really help. After all... that's exactly what I've just done with this survey. I now know exactly what our site members need from me to move forward and to help their fitness classes become more successful. Now I can evaluate what we have that can help and what else we can create to do so. Knowing who you serve and what they actually fear/want is where the power is. Even if it's finding out why they're not coming to you right now. Knowing the questions that they need answering and the solutions they need providing with will help you with everything - from packages, to concepts to teach, from support around those things, even down to your timetabling for September. Why not get your own survey out this week on Google Forms completely free? Took me 6 minutes to write and 3 minutes to post and send out... That knowledge could help consolidate what you have in your head and make that decision making easier going forward.

Anna PS. Come join us on our YouTube Channel where we have some sneak previews of the type of content we have in the site!

Photo of Anna flexing in front of a white wall
Anna Martin - Creator of



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